During the following days I want you to take part in this blog.
The holidays will start and I want you to be safe everywhere you will be. You will go to different parts of Slovenia and some of you even abroad: to the seaside, to the mountains... There are a lot of cars, bikes and other means of transport in the streets / on the roads and these are very dangerous places. So you must follow many rules when you are in the street or somewhere else.
First you are going to write about road safety. I'm interested in your opinion about it.
You can write about:
What rules must you follow when you are in the street?
What mustn't you do in the street?
What traffic signs do you know and what do they tell you?
If you need some help, you can find it in your English book in Unit 6 or perhaps in the following
You can also leave a question here.
I will be glad to read your comments . Hope to hear (read) from you soon,
your English teacherI will be glad to read your comments . Hope to hear (read) from you soon,
10 komentarjev:
MaXiMuM SpEeD lImIt
- yOu MuStN´t DrIvE oVeR ..... Km/h An HoUr
BuS StOp
- BuSeS StOp HeRe
No CyClInG
- YoU mUsTn´T cYcLe HeRe
- YoU mUsT sToP hErE
You musn't cross the road where ever you want. You musn't ride a bike side by side. You musn't avoid others. You musn't play beside the road.
1.we must cross the road at the zebra crossing and not just in the middle of the road.
2.We must wait till the light on the trafficlight is green.
3.we must wait till the cars stop or we'll be like a pancake.
My advice to all: sign your comments when you have Uroš's identity.
My comment to Vid: You are describing the rules that different traffic signs stand for. I hope you will respect these rules in the street.
My comment to Miha: You are writing about cycling and playing rules.
It's very useful to follow these rules.
My comment to Uroš: Your rules are useful for pedestrians. Well done!
YoU mUsT sLoW dOwN AnD loOk cArEfUlY
To SeE If A CaR Is CoMiNg.
You mustn't cycle here.
The light is red.You cannot cross the street.You must wait.
You cannot drive over ..... km/h an hour.
1. You mustn't drive over ** km/h.
2. You must wait till the lights on the traffic light is green.
3. You mustn't cycling here.
4. We must cross the road at the zebra crossing.
You must stop on the STOP road sing. There is a school near here. You must drive very carefully. You must go slowly because a cat could cross the street. You must slow down and look carefully to see if a car coming. The lights is red. You cannot cross the street.You must wait. The lights is green. You can cross the street. You can cross the road on the pedestrian crossing. Vehicles musn't enter the street.
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